It was a few days after my new posting to an Engineer Regiment.Those officers who were already there had established themselves strongly in the mind of the
Commanding officer and accordingly were getting a soft corner from him.
The readers should keep in mind that the officership in the Army is made up of a conglamerated group. There is hard core officer cadre coming from Rashtriya indian
military college, sainik schools, Reputed Public schools getting entry into N D A and I M A.Direct entry,Tech Graduate entry, etc.
Amongst these there were officers who responded to the National call when the country's safety,honour and integrity was challenged by external forces.
Ganesan was an engineer in Tamilnadu thePWD and was not happy in serving there. He threw away his salary currency notes into flowing river and resigned Govt job.
But his superior did not accept his resignation and instead reminded him of the National emergency and advised him to join the Army as Emergency commission officer. With out knowing anything about
Army set up he went to Services Selection Board and was selected.
Being a sportsman playing most of the games,and an athelet he did very well during military training and passed out as 47 th in a group of about 400 cadets. He started enjoying Army life and took
keen interest in his professional matters.He took part in 1965 war,injured and awarded wound medal.
When emergency was lifted he was given the option either to continue in the Army or return to PWD. Ganesan opted to continue and was asked to go for second Services selection Board.
He went and got selected for the second time. He went for 3 years B.Tech Degree engineering course and completed the course as Civil Engineering dicipline topper.
On completion of the Degree course Ganesan came on posting as mentioned earlier. Honesty,integrity ,hard work and superior professional knowledge were his field of interest.
He was physically outstanding and was highly respected by his troops. But the commanding officer perhaps did not get time to know more about Ganesan. In this scenerio time for Annual confidential report came.
Ganesan went on annual leave and returned after two months.
It was an evening time and officers were playing games. Ganesan finished his games and was about to leave for his room. At that time the staff officer to the commanding officer gave a key of a
cuboard and requested Ganesan to look for his confidential report which was written by the commanding officer in his absence and sign as a token of acceptance.
Ganesan went to office and searched the file for his report. In the process he saw most of the officers reports and finally he got his report and went through.It was an above average report and Ganesan had no grievance.But the reports of other officers who were junior to him and weaker than him in some aspects were outstanding.This had hurt Ganesan as the commanding officer was showing partiality in reporting.Because if a third person like Army Head Quarter see these reports they will certainly think that Ganesan is not as good as other officers.
Ganesan started spending sleepless nights. He had been reading and writting about morality in personal and public life. Each one of us has an obligation to do something when you witness an injustice.
We have rules and laws. But if you dont have the necessary will to protect them what is the use of these rules and laws ?.
But in Army the reporting systems are cofidential. One cannot know about other officers report authentically unless an enquiry is orded. Ganesan has right to represent if his report was
showing any negative quality. So Ganesan had no option but to keep quiet and continue to serve under the commanding officer.
The Regiment moved to Leh-Ladak region in November. Generally move to high altitudes will take place only in summer so that troops are acclamatised properly and ready to face the winter.
In the meantime Ganesan was posted out of the Regiment to Banglore. But the commanding officer instead of relieving him requested him to move to Leh and promised to relieve him once the Regiment selltes down.
Accordingly though a newly married officer Ganesan moved to Leh.
In Leh the Regiment was split to support each Brigade and Ganesan was moved to Kargil as Field company commander to 121 Indep Bde Gp.( The readers may understand that this was the group which bear the on slaught in 1999 the famous Kargil war.)
The Regiment was struggling in winter cold of December-January and many officers and men were falling sick.
One Field company was supporting 114 Inf Bde across Changla pass at Dharbog. The pass has to be kept open for supply. A detachment of Engineers with support of a Rifle company from Infantry Bn was placed at Zingral (altitude 14000-15000 ft )
with enough road clearing machines. The officer placed at Zingral fell sick and one dozer has slipped 1000ft down due to heavy snow fall.
Ganesan was ordered to move to Zingral immediately and restore communication.From Kargil Ganesan moved to Zingral and started clearing snow. The accident Dozer was recovered and things were going on smoothly.
Suddenly there was un usual heavy snow fall and road to a stretch of 13 Km was blocked. Ganesan swung into action and was continusly on the road for about 14 hours and opened the road to traffic.
when the taffic was opened Ganesan's vehicle got struck in snow and went off.
Time was about 10.00 PM and if one has to reach base there is no alternative but to walk 10 -12 Km.
Ganesan and his team walked. They reached the base at about 02.00 AM.and took rest. Next day Ganesan's another officer was running heavy fever and Ganesan took him to Leh and got him admitted to military hospital.
Ganesan came back to his room and was thinking about all events that had taken place since his last confidential report event.Un fortunetly now time has come for next year confidential report.
The commanding officer will once again get all the tough works done by him and show his partiality to his favourite officers. Inspite of his posting to Bangalore he is not being relieved and sent to one task to another.
Ganesan decided to talk to the commanding officer.At that time the staff officer came and told Ganesan that Commanding officer wants him to go for another task.
Ganesan flatly refused and told the staff officer to report his un willingness to obey the order. In a few minutes Ganesan was called to Commanding officer 's room.
The Commanding officer asked his explanation for such dis obedience.Ganesan explained that his posting has come about 4 months before and till date he has done all the jobs whole heartedly. Now he wants to be relieved.
Some more arguments took place and the Commanding officer shouted to Ganesan that he will be relieved at the very moment and he can fly the next day. That night there was dining out party for Ganesan and next day Ganesan was free to fly.
For next three-four days the weather went bad and there was no flight.Ganesan was struck.In the meantime the Commanding officer wrote the Annual confidential report of Ganesan and was called to his office to sign it.
Ganesan went inside took the confidential report turned to to the page where he has to sign ,signed and returned to the Commanding officer.The CO told him to go through the report as he has done good works in the Regiment.
Ganesan cooly stated;"
"Sir,this is a report about what you feel about me. I would be a fool to know about me from others. I am aware of my assets and liabilities.
So be pleased to write whatever you want and keep it, I don't care."
The CO might have felt that he is facing a new figure in Ganesan. Without much discussion he stood up and stretched his hands to shake and said, Ok,All the best.
Ganesan shook hands with him and after a second of hesitation said,
Sir,generally the commanding officer writes annual confidential report on the officers serving under him. But no one bothers about what the junior officers feel about their commanding officer.
May I have your permission to say what I feel about you ?
There was some gliter on the eyes of the CO.Are you allright ?is there any brain disorder due to high altitude effect ?
Ganesan replied, "No sir.I am perfectly all right. If you give me permission,then only I can speak.
CO said, "ok,What do you feel about me "
Ganesan spoke, "Sir,in my humble opinion ,you are unfit to command the Regiment.
The CO was furious; "Do you know that I can court martial you and throw you out of the Army ?
"Yes Sir,I know that.I can be a cooli at the central station of Madras and earn my living. I threw away a Govt Job and Joined Army out of shear Patriotism.Here I find officership is different.My statement is based on some facts of your activities.
Firstly,I was the senior most Captain in the Regiment. when there was a vacancy of a major instead of giving me the oppurtunity to command, you had made an officer one year junior to me to officiate.Why ?
No reason.
"Even I had taken permission to be away on a Regimental function from the officiating CO,You,after joining from leave ordered Summery of Evidence against me,What is the reason ?
" No reason".
Adding one or two more such alligations,Ganesan finally asked,
" Amongst all officers of my seniority and juniors,I was the fittest and best. But in the last year of reporting You have graded me just above average while some other officers were graded as "out standing "Why ?
With such salvo of alligations Ganesan concluded "IN WHAT WAY I AM INFERIOR TO OTHERS. ?
The CO sat silent for a while as he was not able to digest Ganesan's alligations. But He is a Gentleman.He understood that from the first day of Ganesan coming to the Regiment there had been a mis understanding.
Ganesan had been very sensitive towards his ill treatment and lack of appreciations by the CO over all these days. He spoke;
Ganesan,I wish that you had spoken to me last year itself like this.The CO is not a God. I am also a human being with likes and dislikes.
I liked some officers and over rated them. But I have not under rated you. I have reported truely about you. As long as you have not been under rated why should you bother about others.?
Ganesan comes from an ordinary agriculture family.He never heard about Army service.But he is honest and sincere in most of his dealings. He is very compassionate tries himself to be a noble leader to all under his command.
He keeps himself physically, mentally and psychologically strong and his professional knowledge is more than any officer who had come from military back ground. He is very proud about his profession. He has very strong spiritual feelings.
But he doesn't serve to please his superiors,does n't hide his feelings;Generally he "calls a spade as spade as he does not know what to call othervice or was he taught how to hide his concience.
So,he spoke," Sir,you are most welcome to have your likes and dislikes.But these should not harm others.Your outstanding report on other officers are fine. But when mine and other officers reports are seen by a third person, who does not know about us,what opinion will they form.?
certainly they will think that the other officers are better than me while actually they are not. Is it not an indirect harm to me. If you want to boost up report of an officer inferior to me, then there is no alternative but to bring me atleast at par with him, if not above him.
The CO avoided answering further.He said Ganesan,you must have a thick skin not to bother about others. If you have this you will go high in services life. He once again shook hands and Ganesan left Leh.
A bunch of part 2 orders back dated were published by the Regt giving lot of financial benifit to Ganesan later. But Ganesan did not bother to know about that.
What is great about the Commanding Officer ? His moral courage to appreciate Ganesan's dignity to stand up and correct himself. Ganesan did not know till date what was written in Leh report.
But after exactly 10 years of that incident when Ganesan was appointed Commanding Officer of the same Regiment ,he honestly saluted the then Commanding Officer in gratitude. It is obvious that the CO certainly
would have recommended him for command may be even as an after thought.
Ganesan's posting as Commanding officer of 4 Engineer Regiment came in a turbulant environment in November 1984 as Prime minister Indira Gandhi was shot dead and Ganesan was at Delhi at that time.
He was flown to Assam along with some ARMY,AIRFORCE personnel as special courrier. Ganesan tookover Command of 4 Engineer Regiment who were in the role of 5 Mountain Division Engineers.
Incidently Ganesan brought the Regiment from 11 Corps, Jullunder as Advance Party Commander,to 5 Mtn Div,in Dec-82 and left Tenga in Mar-83.
When he was approved for promotion to Lt Col he
was denied Regimental Command and posted to Chief Engineer Delhi zone as S O 1. The destiny is great. With out earning a report Ganesan was moved to Command.He had spent only about 80 days in Delhi.
In additition to existing Fine Officers,Brilliant Young Officers started joining. Sandeep, Devaya, Malani, Padhi, Joshi,Mishra and Darshan,Vijayan are few I could remember. I took initiative to bring Joe from Staff college,and Badri from TSC
Finally, in May 1987, while in Commanad ,I was selected as Leader and Station Commander of Indian Antarctic Research Station
Dakshingangotri for the wintering period of 1987-89 and handed over Command to Col OHJA,I left India in November 1987.
Ganesan's Command tenure of 3 years had been under different conditions. In 5 Mtn Div he served under Maj Gen KD Majumdar and J M Singh.
J M Singh was the officer who was asked to resign or face Court Martial by the then COAS General Rodriguess.Then the Regiment moved to Udhampur under complex Command.
71 Sub Area, Northern Command, and 26 Div all had control on the Regiment. Inspite of such disturbed Command tenure Ganesan made it for Colonel. He became the first Colonel to Command
the Regiment which he raised along with others in 1966.
The Officers and men who served under Ganesan will understand these. To day in 2018, almost 30 years after relinquishing command one of the officer posted in wattsup is for you.
'"Our own iron man flanked by his Youngsters......not so long back. ( Col A Gautham,and Col Vijayan two very good officers who missed command of the Regiment.)
கர்னல் பா.கணேசன், B.Tech.V.S.M. ( ஓய்வு ) 044- 2635 9906, 2625 1968