Lt Col M N Mathur, Ex Commanding officer of 4 Engineer Regiment came out of Army on premature retirement and is presently settled in West indies.He was my Commanding officer during 1967-68. He was asked ;
Jinnah and Gandhi
75 years ago I was 15-years old and a dedicated reader of daily Indian newspapers. I worshipped Mahatma Gandhi then and believed every word he uttered. I remember a headline, in Hindustan Times, in early 1947 which read PAKISTAN IMPOSSIBLE. I, together with my friends and family, completely believed him. Suddenly in June 1947, Gandhi accepted the partition of India on a religious basis and accepted Jinnah as head of Muslim Pakistan.
This acceptance implied that India would be headed by a Hindu party leader. This is mind-boggling that Gandhi would select Nehru as the Prime Minister of undivided secular India, and when he could not prevent the partition of India he would still select Nehru as the Prime Minister of truncated Hindu India and not a leader of Hindu Mahasabha like Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukerjee. Nehru would still stop India from becoming a Hindu nation and impose a flawed secular Constitution on it.
Nehru would then go on to make unpardonable mistakes, one after the other. But it was one illogical great mistake of Gandhi from which emanated all the blunders of Nehru.
Letting Pakistan occupy part of Kashmir, not objecting to China’s takeover of Tibet,
Not only Col Mathur, millions of Indians are of the same opinion that Gandhi had betrayed this country. The Indian Army would have sorted out the problem in Kashmir in 1947-48 itself ,but it is because of Nehru,the dispute went to U N. and continues even to day.
Even in 1971 war,if one has to understand the development in the East and the outcome ,one has to go into details of war diary of 4 Corps and tactical move of Lt Gen Sagat Singh,G -O -C 4 Corps.
"Operation CACTUS LILLY ,the liberation war of East Pakistan and birth of new nation Bangladesh is studied in the military academy of many countries.The lightening speed,the inter services co-operation ,the psychological fear injected into the Pakistan Army in the East were of great contributing factors for the success of the war.
கர்னல் பா.கணேசன், B.Tech.V.S.M. ( ஓய்வு ) 044- 2635 9906, 2625 1968
Col.(Retd.) P Ganesan, VSM
Address: 943 H Block, 17th Main Road,
Anna Nagar, Chennai 600040.
Phone: +91-044-26163794, +91-9444063794