In the previous article I had explained about the bond that develops between officer and P B O R.(personnel below officer rank ).Having understood that I had started paying attention to their welfare by suitably designing their living area.recreation room and dining hall.Sine we were in field area,all ranks get free forces envelopes.But these letters will be censored by unit censor board comprising of people who knows the language.
கர்னல் பா.கணேசன், B.Tech.V.S.M. ( ஓய்வு )
044- 2635 9906, 2625 1968
The recreation was filled with many inspiring quotations and since I used to read many great leaders biographies,I used to select from that and place it in the recreation room.
On one fine evening one Havildar came to see me.After customary salutations ,he started crying and sobbing silently.I consoled him and asked what is the matter.He narrated a personal event.When he had gone on annual leave of two months,there was lot of works at home,and was very busy.In the last few days of his leave,there was lot of arguments on family matters between himself and his wife and he had even beaten her.He left home in the same angry mood and came to unit.For the last two months he did not write a letter to his wife and did not reply to her letters also.
Under these circumstances,a few days before when he visited the recreation room one of the writing by me and kept there attracted him and felt emotionally weak for not writing to his wife.He immediately wrote an apology letter with love and affection to his wife regretting for the stupid thing he did before leaving home.His wife immediately broke the ice and also felt sorry and sentimentally replied.So the Havildar came to thank me for boosting his morale.
What was the writting ,that was kept in the recreation room.
வானுயரப்பறக்கும் பறவையும் வந்து அமர்வதற்கு ஒரு இடத்தைத்தேடுகிறது.எல்லைப்புறத்தில் எதிரிகளுக்கும்,இயற்கைக்கொடுமைகளுக்கும் ஈடு கொடுத்துப்போராடும் நமக்கும் வீடும் உறவும் உண்டு என்பதை மறந்து விடாதீர்கள்.ஓய்வய் நேரத்தில் அவர்களுக்கு கடிதம் எழுதுங்கள்.விடுமுறையை மகிழ்ச்சியான நாட்களாக செலவிட்டு விட்டு புத்துணர்வோடுதேசசேவைக்கு வாருங்கள்.
இப்படி எழுதி வைத்து கீழே சில கடித உரைகளும் பேனாவும் வைத்திருந்தேன்.இது படிப்பவரின் மனதை நெகிழ வைத்துவிட்டது.
The sky high flying bird also needs a resting place.Even though we are serving in the far flung border areas,do not forget that we too have family.and kith and kin.write letters to them regularly.when you go on annual leave ,enjoy the holidays with them and return fresh and rejuvenated.A board with this writing was kept in the recreation room and below that Free forces latter and a pen was kept
On reading this the Havildar changed his mind and their relationship had become normal.Having come to know these details, I had sent the Havildar on a short casual leave.It is needless to mention that the P B O R had grat respect for Colonel Ganesan.