The picture is self explanatory.It was a memento showing the end of wintering period of 5 thwinter team of
Indian Antarctic Expedition. But the point to note is that four winter teams had completed their tennure
and returned to India.What was the task generally assigned to a winter team.?Basically to project India's
Image in the world Forum that an year long activities are conducted.The scientist to conduct experiments,
the administrative staff ,and for command and control,a leader.
Having known the cruel nature of Atarctica,the wintering activies are mostly confined to the safety of the
station and protecting the physical and mental state of the team.So it trickles down that the wintering at
Antarctica is the soul responsibility of the leader.He must be physically and mentally fit himself ,creative
,patriotic to establish his country,s image in the world forum.
Ganesan was selected as wintering leader in April-May 1987 and he was to leave in November 1987 for
Antarctica.In this about six months time Ganesan ,not only acquainted himself with the Characteristics of
the wild and cruel continent Antarctica,but also mentally designed his conduct of wintering.
He started collecting materials and details about India's heritage and also discussed with the past
wintering members.He felt that most of the people thought that the wintering activities in Antarctica was
just like any other duty.But Ganesan did not accept their views.The world exhibits great wonders but to
understand that the inner faculty of the man must be prepared to understand and makes his contribution for
the benifit of posterity.
The day to day activities of Ganesan, as India's wintering leader at Antarctica was based on this
understanding.It was fortunate that his team members though unknown to him before were very much
co operative and contributed their share.
Contrary to the pen picture given by the organisers about the Indian Station "Dakshingangotri",the
first sight of the station was very much threatening whether the team will return safely back to India.
The double story station was fully burried and every blizzard the first act of all members were
to remove the snow from the roof.
But every act was taken in National spirit and the team started enjoying the hazardous life.
It was under these circumstances our wintering period was coming to an end.So we decided that a be
fitting camp fire would be held.The old and serviceable clothings and equipments were thrown into fire.
Ganesan collected the remaining of an ice ax after the fire and made a momento out of that,which is
displayed at the top.
That is how the calf path of mind was broken by Col Ganesan.
கர்னல் பா.கணேசன், B.Tech.V.S.M. ( ஓய்வு ) 044- 2635 9906, 2625 1968