It is customary amongst the Antarctic winter teams to wish other country's team on their important
National functions.The Indian station Dakshin Gangotri was in physical contact with Soviet Union station
"Novolazaravskya" which was about 85 Km away and East German station "Georgefoster",near them.India was
also in radio contact with japan,United Kingdom,South Africa stations.
The Russians and Germans usually work together and visit Indian station on important Indian functions like
Republic day and Independence day.Similarly Indian station members are invited by the Russians on their
"October Revolution Day"
When Colonel Ganesan was invited by the Russian Station Commander,he along with 5 members
attended the Function
Colonel Ganesan before attending the function prepared a short speach and got it translated into
Russian,with the help of German friends.
The Fifteen member Indian team in the Land of Penguins.
The Russian Language in Ganesan's hand writings.
Here Colonel Ganesan discussing with leader of Russian station Novolazaravskya.
A routine thing when it is given to Col Ganesan,he thinks in different angle,to create something new
out of that.
The poem "Calf path of Mind "is very good one which slaps those individuals who thinks that a routine
work is very simple and it does not require any thinking.Remember that we may not be destined to do
great things in life but we do the little things in great style.
கர்னல் பா.கணேசன், B.Tech.V.S.M. ( ஓய்வு ) 044- 2635 9906, 2625 1968
Col.(Retd.) P Ganesan, VSM
Address: 943 H Block, 17th Main Road,
Anna Nagar, Chennai 600040.
Phone: +91-044-26163794, +91-9444063794