“A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.”
For most people, nothing beats the feeling you get when you cozy up on your couch with a book in hand.
A good book can transport you into a world you didn’t know existed. As the quote goes,
“you open a book, you open a new world.” There are several genres of books ranging
from educational, thrillers, motivational; the list goes on. The good thing is,
almost all books are nowadays available in soft copies and audio form. Maybe you
prefer the smell of pages as you peruse a book? Or the convenience reading from
your phone brings? These are the main basic points of importance of books.
Books play a significant role in our life. ... For the majority of people, books are
part of their everyday life. A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you.
Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer
and helpful advice.
With this introduction I am going to give you some points about one of the book I had written.
"Target seeking Missiles"The book had been published in tamil "இலக்கைத் தேடும் ஏவுகணைகள் .
Right from young age I was seeking knowledge from all 360 degree and with out any discrimination.
Many times I had taken detailed notes from those books with publication address,so that I can buy
them whenever resources permit.In many books the author would have given cross reference of some
other books.That too I had taken note.As I have been repeatedly writting and speaking that your
thought process will open so many roads less travelled ,my restless search for knowledge brought
me a book titled "PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS by Maxwell Malts.The opening sentence itself says,
"Discovery of self image represents a breakthrough in psychology and the field of creative personality."
Moving to the nooks and corner of this country in official capacity and indepth study of good books
certainly widened my pespective and my performance in executing a simple and petty job had its own
unique identifications.we may not be destined to do great things in life ,but we can certainly do
small things in grand style.Suppose a dinner for 10 people are to be arranged, there has to be a
difference between an un educated cook organising it and a catering graduate organising it.
My life and performances had been like that only.I had written about 10 books,mostly in Tamil.
But for the benifit of wider readers forum I do give short description of the tamil book.
This book "Target seeking missiles " is about my experience from 10 th year of service till my retirement.
A Genral officer (Major General,commanded an Infantry Division ) who could read Tamil ,
expressed great satisfaction after going through the book.He felt that if some one could
translate it into english using his spiritual and phylosophical knowledge, the book will
certainly go into world records.
Let us see the contents of the book.
1.Maj gen M E A Krishnan,AVSM,who retired as G O C in C of Madhyapradesh,Bhihar,Orissa Area had
written a forward.
2.Maj Gen J J Manavalan, who was one of the company commander under my command had written
a general note ,"The Society and the Army service.
3.Then the book starts.
There are 21 chapters in the book.Each chapter brings out a phylosophical story before entering
into the main event.Almost all the titles of the chapters are taken from Tamil litratures like
Thirumanthiram,Pura nanooru, Subramanya Bharathi's poetry etc.
Let us take one chapter;Chapter no.15.
The court of enquiry headed by a Brigadier declared him as "Deserter "and closed the file.
The G O C countersigned the proceedings.Colonel Ganesan took over Command of 4 Engineer Regiment
in Nov 1984.The file was received by the Regiment for taking further action.Because the missing
parson was in possession of Govt Properties including one 7.62 SLR Rifile.
Colonel Ganesan was known in Army circle as one of the toughest officer.He went through the file.
A person with approximate 30 kg weight was claiming hill to reach 4770m height.
After a days climb he was weak and not able to be with other 4 members to reach the night halt camp.
The court of enquiry says that he is a deserter.That means that he ran away.How could it be.?
In Army language Deserter means a person who abandoned his post and runs away.It is an offence under
Army act.But a person who could not even walk,how he can dis appear. Colonel Ganesan started going
into greater details.Once a person is declared deserter,his salary,family allottment if any stops.
The unit is burdoned with loss of Govt properties including Rifle.
But if the person is declared "Missing " the entire scenerio changes.Both Deserter and Missing gives
the same physial absence of the person.But there is lot of difference administatively.
Once individual is declared deserter,everyone gets away putting the entire blame on the individual.
But if he is declared "Missing " everybody is under pressure to know what happened to him.
After a thoruogh study and walking to the point where the individual was last seen,and
discussing with Indo Tibetian Border Police and local heads.Colonel Ganesan prepared an
application addressed to the Adjutant General of the Army.The court of enquiry was returned
un accepted with a recommendation that the indvidual should be declared as Missing and not ' Deserter.
The G O C 5 Mountain Division under whom Colonel Ganesan was serving has countersigned the proceedings
and closed the file.But the new Commanding Officer of 4 Engineer Regiment did not accept the remarks
and re opened the file with a letter to Adjutant Genral of the Army.
Does this happen anywhere ? What will be the future of the officer who went against the G O C s remark .?
Colonel Ganesan is a different type of officer.He feels that our Distinction do not lie in the places
we occuppy.But in the Grace and Dignity with which we fill them.
The application went through proper channel with all remarks of 5,Mtn Div,IV Corps,Eastern Command
and reached Army Head quarters.In between Colonel Ganesan faced all the fire.
But finally Adjutant Genera returned the file with the remarks ,Commanding Officer Colonel Ganesan's
view is accepted and the proceedings be re done and declare the individual as "Missing "
This is one of the chapter in the book.
கர்னல் பா.கணேசன், B.Tech.V.S.M. ( ஓய்வு ) 044- 2635 9906, 2625 1968