` Col. Ganesan Satcos-Tamil Web Pages

கர்னல் கணேசனின் அகத்தூண்டுதல்கள் -
Col.(Retd.) P. Ganesan


செவ்வாய், 31 மார்ச், 2020

Knowledge and wisdom

Knowledge is possessing a mental understanding of certain information. Wisdom is the practical ability to use your knowledge to make good decisions consistently throughout your life. One common illustration of the difference goes something like this: knowledge is understanding that a tomato is botanically a fruit.

The wintering at Antarctica was something which we are experiencing now in India "The lock out "situation. But we enjoyed that period as we improved in many aspect of Camaraderie and also our personal traits.

My interest was in spiritual matters.So I stared in looking for such books in our library. As far as Hindu Philosophy is concerned Aadhi Sankara was an authority.So I started reading his life and achievements.

Sankara goes to Prayaga to meet Bhattapada and debate with him.But Bhattapada was about to enter into fire for his personal reasons and hence directed Sankara to go to Mahishmati and debate with Mandanamishra. the atmosphere of Mahishmati seemed impregnated with high philosophy and vibrated with the great scholar Mandana mishra .

However after some initial disturbance,the debate was to start next day with Ubhayabharathi,wife of Mandanamishra as judge. Ubhayabharati,was the very incarnation of Saraswati,,the goddess of learning. The debate started with Sankara putting forward his point of view.Here is the time for learner like Col.Ganesan, to observe the way the debate goes and the subject matter that is being debated.The subject and the method of presentation by the contestants kindled the inner spirit in Ganesan and he just could not believe that he was reading a book.

The atmosphere outside was minous 30-40 degree celcious and he was visualising the cotestants sitting infront of him. Sankara putting forward his point of view with clarity and conviction.On the contrary Mandanamishra getting quotes from vedas did not yield to Sankaras point of view.The arguements became keener and more complex,and the refutations and denials also became correspondingly stronger and bolder.Both the contestants raised more and more intricate questions. The judge ,Ubhayabharathi saw no sign of the debate nearing its end,for each argument only opened up new areas of contention ,more abstruse and abstract.

As time is nearing for lunch ,the readers to understand the duties of a devoted wife. Ubhayabharathi gave two garlands to the contestants to wear and continue the debate. Here Ubhayabharathi demonstrates to the readers that in hindu philosophy husband is the god for the married women. If God ,the absolute can be worshipped in an image,much more can he be so worshipped in a man. It is the Bhava or the attitude that is of importance.To hold that man is the greatest image of God and the husband the highest Guru,is a highly efficacious attitude in disciplining the soul.The service to husband , with the knowledge that he is God in person,is one of the finest gifts to the world civilization by indian culture , placing the wife on the pedestal of unshakable glory.

As the arguments continue ,Ubhayabharathi observed that the garland on her husband started withering . On the 18 th day,setting aside with a stern mind all claims of sentiment she stood on the needle point of honesty and in concluding the debate ,publicly announced,"My husband has lost the debate". Ubhayabharathi's moral courage was of unequalled excellence and all were thrilled by her utter impartiality and unqualified objectivity. But she told Sankara "Sirs,my husband's defeat is not yet complete, as wife is half of man's soul,you have to defeat me also.

Sankara politely declined saying, "Mother,scholars of standing never desire to debate with the ladies." Udhayabharathi replied rather sharply,"why do you entertain a blittling attitude towards women.? you know that the great sage Yagyavalkya did engage in debate with Gargi.The royal sage Janaka also entered into debate with a women jnani named "Sulabha " Why should you not with me therefore , when I solicit you to the debate.?If you do not agree to a debate ,then you must accept your defeat.

At this stage Ganesan was interested to the details of this debates which Udhayabharathi mentioned. He went out of the station "Dakshin gangotri "', and looked around the icy continent Antarctica. What a great country "India " and what a sensational spiritual history we have .After few minutes of inhaling fresh air Ganesan came inside the station and continued the reading.

Sankara saw that there was no escaping from this gentle but firm lady . Her proud words could not easily be sprung away.In the interest of his mission,though not for personal glory ,he felt compelled to agree to a debate with the arbiter who had acted as a judge so impartially.No time was lost and the debate between the homeless wanderer and a home keeping house wife began in full swing. Ubhayabharathi identified herself with her husband's philosophy and argued hotly. Gradually the debate entered the subtle and complex fields.Her modes of debating,the magnitude of her scholarship , her powers of analysis,her deep grasping power and remarkable self confidence filled Sankara with amazement. Finding her an adversary,with talent as brilliant as his own ,Acharya proceeded cautiously on.

To the hundreds of questions that Ubhayabharathy raised on all aspects of philosophy,Sankara gave highly original and convincing answers.This again went on for seventeen days.The audience began to think that the debate would never come to an end.It was not long before Ubhayabharathi understood quite well that she could never score a victory over the monk in the field of Veda or its allies.

On the 18 th day ,she sprang a surprise on Sankara in the course of debate.Her first question on that day was ' "what are the signs and qualities of amatory passion ? How many types are there in the erotic ?In what parts of the body has erotic passion its centers.?By what physical act does it find expression and by what acts does it subside.? How does passion rise and fall in man's and woman's body in the bright fortnight when the moon waxes and the dark fortnight when it wanes ? Sankara listened to all these questions and sat still with downcast eyes for long.Then he said, "Mother,please question me in the scriptures.And I shall answer you.How is that you put such type of questions to a celibate ascetic ?

At this stage Ganesan thought for awhile.He is married for about 14 years and they have two children. But He does not know answer to even one question. A 45 years old military officer thought for the first time that sex in human being has got no difference from animals or for that matter all living beings.Subsquently he had learnt that there is no diffence between God worship and intercourse.Sex in human being is a divine act and far far away from just discharging passion. Ubhayabharathi quickly re acted,"Why greatest of the monks ,is not Kamakala,the science of erotics also a science proper.? You are a monk and may say that you have renounced everything ,but you have not yet renounced the desire to score victories in philosophical debates.One who knows the import of vedas is really omniscient.If you are , as you pose to be ,a perfect monk,you must really be a master of the senses,a conqueror of the passions of which the senses are of media of expression.Why then should a mere objective discussion on the subject of kamakala cause a ruffle in your mind ?

Ganesan generally does not read for pleasure sake.Every activity,has to send a message to the viewers for improvement. There is no casualness in his life .So the discussion between Sankara and Ubhayabharathi had deeply imbibed a message in his mind. On hearing Ubhayabharathi's thundering views,Sankara was bewildered and remind silent.Mother Saradha was making her divinity evident.Now this was all her wonderful play,play of Parashakthi ,without whom even the Siva,Vishnu and others lose their very existence and meaning.Glory to Saradha,Shri Rajarajeswari !

Mandana was disturbed on the developments and asked ubhayabharathi,"My dear ,do you think that these questions are worthy ones.? Do not insult the asceticmonk in this fashion. Ubhayabharathi was, however,much more than a match even for the two gifted men.Without any relenting , she re asserted her view,"As a result of knowledge comes the utter conquest of the passions like lust and anger. If a mere discussion of kamakala is going to cause a undulation to his mind,he is not then evidently established in the knowledge of reality and is obviously unworthy to be my husband's Guru.

Sankara got over the feeling of surprise at these inconvenient questions and got ready to meet the challenging situation. With no anger or bitterness, but instead with a smiling countenance he said "Mother ,I need a months time to give replies to your questions.Pray,grant me this time.I am a celibate, monk. I shall not answer your questions by any word from my mouth.The primary injunction of the scriptures for a monk is total renunciation of lust and of all lustful inclinations and preoccupations. I am not bound by the desire to score victories in debate as you incorrectly pointed out.i am just carrying on my mission of lokasangraha , of which this merely becomes a portion.Even a man of supreme wisdom who is firmly established in the state of sameness which is beyond the three gunas has,for the sake of the welfare and guidance of the people of the world,to respect the injunctions of the scriptures in the field of physical conduct.So if I choose to reply to your questions by a word of mouth , I shall be tarnishing the ideal of monasticism.There fore I shall enter another physical frame and the shall answer your questions by writing a book for the purpose.Do you agree to this arrangement ?

Here Sakara's stand was like that of woman saint Mahadevi,who has renounced everything including her clothes. Ubhayabharathi said, "well,Prince of monks,even if you enter another body and then do the answering of my questions, you will still be subjecting yourself to the sway of lustful thought,will that not involve a scaling down from the ideals of monasticism.?

Sankara answered quietly, "Mother,this utterance surely does not become of you .If one who was a chandala in a previous birth is now born in a brahmin family, ,does this brahmin hood suffer any diminution because of his past./ With this Sankara moves out and with his yogic power enter the body of Raja Amaruka ,who had jut died. After a months time sankara comes back and wins the debate.

Ganesan on retun from Antarctica.

After reading such scriptures Ganesan was very clear in his mind about his mission in this birth. when he returned from Antarctica not only he was well educated his body and mind had a beaming power.

Just after return from Antarctica Ganesan organises President's Colour Presentation Parade at M E G & Centre and was Dy Parade commander.

கர்னல் பா.கணேசன், B.Tech.V.S.M. ( ஓய்வு ) 044- 2635 9906, 2625 1968